Everything You Need to Know About Creating a Vision Board

I’ve been looking at my vision board lately that I’ve made in the beginning of the year and I’ve noticed that there’s quite a few things on there that have already manifested itself. All things that I really want and desire for myself. So I want to talk to you about this specific tool that I love using when I am manifesting.

First let’s talk about what manifestation is

It is simply creating the life that you desire through thoughts, vision and action. A step in the vision process is creating a vision board. After you have decided what you want, you have to have a visual to match those thoughts. You put those visuals on a board, which is why it is called a vision board. A vision board is a tool to help those thoughts actually become visuals and be placed in one specific place around you. I personally like to print out a picture of myself, specifically a time where I was full of joy, place it in the center of the board and everything I want to manifest is placed around me. And I mean everything and anything.

Benefits of a vision board

It connects thought to a physical visual. Helps those thoughts and desires in your mind be paired with a visual you can see. The desire for more is a spiritual thing. You have that spiritual desire for more. Identify what that “more” is that you want. Whatever you decide that you are craving that is when the mental part comes in. What’s the root cause of this want? If that desire is becoming a mother, you actually have the power to make that happen. You can do that by eating healthy, working out, drinking your water and tea, eating plant based foods, taking supplements, etc. But get that visual on the board so that you can be reminded of what you want every single day.

It helps build emotional connection. Now you can actually see what you want. Having that vision board increases your emotional connection. Now that the thought has become a visual that is more energy going toward what you want. That is how manifestation happens. It is energy.

More energy = more connection. The energy you put out is the energy you get back, the power to manifest. The power to create the life that you desire. When you have your vision board you are turning your mental desire into a spiritual desire and then putting that visual in front of it.

Getting to a holistic energy connection. The spiritual desire has become that mental thought and now you have manifested a physical visual of what you want. The next step is for it to actually become real which is the final step of manifestation. So when you have the vision board have connected the spiritual, mental and now physical which makes it a holistic connection.

So now how do you vision board?

Decide what you want. You already know that spiritually you have the desire for more. That spiritual desire has to be come a mental energy connection. What specifically do you want? What do you mean? What do you feel? Specifically because you have to be clear in what you want.

Find the visual that matches your desire. If I know that I want a specific house, you better believe I’ll be on Pinterest printing out the house that has the exact look and feeling of what I want. A house surrounded by nature, preferably on an Island, bohemian style, lots of natural light, and colorful. See? Extremely specific.

Saying “I AM” mantras while placing visuals on your board. Now this isn’t something that you have to do but it makes me feel damn good when I do. When you say, “I AM” you are putting the energy out that it is already yours. As you are placing those visuals on the board you can say things like, “I am married to this man”, “I am rich with love”, or “I am preparing to give birth to a healthy baby.”

Hang it where you can see it every single day. My vision board is right across from my bed so that when I rise up in the morning it is the first thing that I see. My bedroom is sacred and only meant for my partner and I so it’s protected by loving energy away from any visitors that may come to my home.


Whenever you would like. You have decide what works for you. Do you want a monthly, yearly vision board? I like to create one vision board a year. Either someone around my birthday or at the beginning of the year. It’s what works for me.


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