My Spiritually Awakened Journey and How I Knew I Was Experiencing One

There is a huge shift happening on this Earth today. With all the changes we have experienced in the past few years, people have started to wake up and make changes in their everyday lives.

Have you ever gone through a spiritual awakening? Do you know what it feels like? 

Spiritual awakenings can be mildly unnerving at first, as they often cause us to grapple with questions like, Who am I, and why am I here? But there can also be a certain element of wonder and excitement when we find ourselves suddenly feeling very much alive.

Spiritual awakenings can be spontaneous but for most, they are triggered by major life changes or traumas such as life-threatening illnesses, car accidents, divorces, war, pandemics, quarter-life or midlife crises, mental health crises such as clinical depression or anxiety, or even a near-death experience.

My experience occurred in 2011. That year changed a lot for me. I was a sophomore in college going into my Junior year. I was ready to try out to become a lead choreographer and become that leader I always dreamed of. But we all know that with love and support comes much hate. I also learned that the guy I was dating was indeed cheating on me with a girl I had suspected my entire high school term. And lastly, what broke me down was learning that my grandmother, my sweet, sweet granny, was diagnosed with Stage 4 Lung Cancer.

I absolutely broke down and did not know how to navigate all these new events I was experiencing. At the young age of 19, I was in no mental shape to handle bullying, infidelity from a best friend, and the death of my everything. It was the first death I’ve experienced that hit so close to home. And growing up in a family that did not teach me how to express myself, and because they never learned themselves, I fell into the deepest depression of my entire life. So deep, that while my grandma was in the hospice, holding on to lasting memories with her family, I was getting psychiatric treatment for my severe depression and anxiety. Being in the hospital for the summer of 2011 really put me through the motions. I’ve never felt the depth of emotions I experienced while being locked outside from the very thing that would keep me living. It was tough.

That summer felt like the longest I’ve ever experienced. But it was the best summer I’ve ever experienced. That was the year that I started my self-love journey and fully diving in to the roots of who I was and who I wanted to be.

1. Life purpose - One day I woke up and wanted to change. At least that’s how it felt, I was becoming someone different daily.

  • I was on the urge to find who I truly was.

  • I found something I loved to do.

  • Through creativity, I found that I was a creator. I love to make wire jewelry, but I am a creator of all things.

  • I was able to create through a healing process.

2. Change in eating habits.

  • I was becoming more aware of what I was eating. This is when I started to feel that something was changing about me, things started to feel weird. I wanted to start including more veggies into my meals and more balance into what I was having throughout my day.

  • I was becoming aware of my body and what was causing pain and less energy. My body felt better. It took some months but the consistency helped a lot.

3. Removal of toxic and negative people.

  • I wanted to surround myself with people of my tribe, people that wanted the same thing I wanted. People that wanted to vibrate in loving energy and high frequencies. Just those feel-good feels ya know.

  • I was less interested in going out but way more in tune with being in nature.

  • I didn't want to be around a lot of people.

  • I got tired of hearing gossip every day and people chatting about the same things over and over.

  • I didn't want to be around negative people, even family members. They were draining for me to be around.

  • I was finding my own path, not through others, and listening to what my intuition was telling me.

4. Repeating numbers.

  • I would see the same numbers constantly. Like, constantly.

  • I would pick up my phone, at random times, it would always say 11:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, and 5:55.

  • I felt free, like I was receiving all this good luck from somewhere, making a hell of wishes not knowing what these numbers truly meant.

5. Less interest in media/tv.

  • I became more mindful of my time and how to use it wisely. I noticed that media/tv was a distraction. Things that weren't important become your topic of conversation, you dream materialistically, you get distracted.

  • My mindset changed. I'm a non-materialistic person. I instead focus on what's important in my life. 

6. Felt vibrations - (energy, moods).

  • I felt it if someone was sad, anxious, happy, or even if their energy was low I sensed it.

  • I was able to remove myself from the negative vibrations instead of questioning how I felt, I already knew, and I would protect myself. I was setting and keeping boundaries. Protecting my peace.

  • When I did remove myself, I felt a lot better like there was this weight lifted from me.

7. Twin flames- I was meeting people that were just like me.

  • I started to connect more with females who were taking steps in their lives to become better versions of themselves. It was so nice to have those kinds of conversations. Those deep conversations that really allow you to reflect and remember who you are.

8. Nature - Nature became more important to me.

  • I would look for peace in nature which made me understand the seasons more.

  • I became more patient however nature is very patient with this earth. They do not blossom all year but when they choose to do.

  • The sound of nature made me appreciate the birds singing in the morning when I got up. It helped me think clearer.

  • I wanted to get connected with trees, the gentle breeze, water, and as many animals in nature I could.

9. A newfound interest in life - spiritually and energetically.

  • I started to research every feeling I had. It was like I had a new life. I wasn't the person who I thought I was. Research to me was becoming life. I was finding the answers I have always searched for. I didn't sleep at night because I was looking for answers not even knowing the questions to ask but just receiving the answers in the universe.

  • I became more thankful for what I had, and things were coming to me. I started to believe I was the master of my life and that it was true.

10. Taking my next step in life - Going with the FLOW

  • I started to do things with no questioning. I had the answers to everything I wanted to do. Even if I didn't know where it was taking me, I did it and it ended up being the right thing to do.

  • I worry less about things and just go with the flow of life. 

  • Not much bothers me anymore. I’ve learned how not to respond to what doesn’t serve me.

  • I was taking everything that was sent my way in abundance and accepting it with so much gratitude. 

There are a lot of signs of Spiritual Awakening and everyone goes through a different journey. However, Spiritual Awakening doesn't mean everything is perfect, but it aligns with becoming a higher version of ourselves. Our minds awaken to truths that we've never known about. We are seeing differently, we are viewing things with our third eye.

We have 3 eyes - 2 to look at and 1 to see and my vision was becoming a lot clearer. 

Feeling alone

When I first experienced being spiritually awakened, I felt that my life was changing significantly, but I also felt alone because everyone else around me wasn't understanding my transition; they weren't evolving with me. They assumed I wasn’t the same anymore but right I wasn’t the same, I was shifting into a different dimension. I was looking at the world in a different way, being open to the truth. For once what people thought about me or how they felt didn't influence me, it didn't bother me that I was seen differently because I felt good about everything. I was becoming a goddess.

Being sensitive to your journey is ok.

For me, being sensitive comes naturally with my soul, I am sensitive to everything, but others express themselves differently. Sensitivity comes with the love and compassion you have for becoming who you are. I am sensitive to every change I’ve made that has awakened me. For example, being vegan was very easy to me, after I could finally give up cheese! Lol, but I was most sensitive to the experience of becoming vegan. So, if you are experiencing a spiritual awakening and feel overwhelmed or alone understand that this is a good thing, you are becoming that person whom you have always been. You will get through anything you put your mind too.

You’re on the right path. (Go with the flow).

Flow to grow through your awakening. I found peace in things that I surround myself with. I learned how much I actually enjoy creating things in my life that I love. From cooking healthy meals, to purchasing tools to create some fun wire jewelry, to being consistent with my workout routines, I am doing it. Doing it for me!

You can do it for yourself, too. Once you awaken spiritually you will forever be awake because you wouldn’t want to stop finding the true meaning of life. Once you’re on the part of your journey, you will want to continue to evolve. For we all awaken differently but understand that you are on the right path and nothing or no one can stop you now. Awaken your soul.

The Bottom Line

Spiritual awakenings are complicated, profound, and nothing short of life-changing—in the best way. While they may not be easy, they will improve your life for the better with patience, trial and error, and a bit of time. If you find yourself in one, all there is to do is trust the process, hang on tight, and prepare for a newly awakened life.


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