What is Yoni Steaming & Why I Do It?


Have you heard of this “new trend” that is taking the wellness community by storm these days? It is called yoni (or vaginal) steaming and it is definitely nothing new.

Yoni steaming has been around since ancient time and it is what our ancestors practiced back in the days. It is a practice in which a woman allows the warmth of herbal steam to permeate the exterior of her vagina.

The Herbs & Their Benefits

The secret in the steam is the herbal concoction.

The steam makes the genital tissues more receptive to the medical properties of the potent herbs added to the heated water. This tincture can then penetrate the tissues and enter the bloodstream, yoni, and womb where they can really do their work. 

With benefits like reducing pain and bloating, detoxifying the womb from toxins, releasing stored emotions from past lovers and increasing fertility for those of us who suffer from ovarian cysts like myself, there are some major health benefits that we need to bring our attention to.

A few of these benefits include:

  • emotional and spiritual release

  • regulating menstrual cycles

  • decreasing menstrual cycle pain

  • increasing vaginal wetness and tightness

  • detoxing your ex

  • increasing sexual desires

Now there are definitely way more health benefits to yoni steaming but I am sharing the benefits that I have see in my own experiences. The biggest one is the emotional and spiritual release for me. I feel so powerful, so free and so godly after a steam session. There is something so intimate about spending that time with yourself, in your body, all because you want to heal.

Taking Precaution


But as with any natural and holistic remedy, there are some precautions to take. The vaginal skin is much more sensitive and delicate than skin elsewhere on the body. Your face, for example, would be much more forgiving in a nice steam treatment. So use care when you receive a treatment at a spa or with a home system.

Avoid steaming if you are pregnant, on your cycle, or take precaution if you have and IUD (intrauterine device) form of birth control. It's also best to skip steaming if you have a serious infection, illness or fever, or open wounds, severe irritation, or inflammation in the area. And avoid using any herbs you are allergic to as this may irritate the area or even trigger a reaction.

If you're looking for a luxury spa experience it is easier than ever to find locations that offer this yoni soothing service. But for a convenient and comfortable way to pamper yourself and steam from home, our  Queen's Vaginal Steam and Queen's Throne In-Home Vaginal Steaming Set is available for you.

The downside of yoni steaming is that some holistic health centers can be so expensive for a session of yoni steaming so that is why I did some research to find a cost-effective alternative that would allow me to steam in the comfort of my home.

That is when I fortunately found Goddess Detox. When I saw that they had a Queens Vaginal Steam & Queens Throne Combo (Herbs & Vaginal Seat Together) for only $65, I absolutely had to purchase it. Such a simple setup that took minutes to get ready.

Before you sit on your Queen’s  Throne, make sure you have allowed it to cool off for a bit. You can also test the temperature of the steam. If the temperature is comfortable carefully sit and cover your legs with a towel or use our Queen Tings Yoni/ Vaginal Steaming Gown to keep the steam in.

My Experience

When I tell you the joy I experienced being able to be home in my sacred space, burn my sage and incense from Soulful Vibes Co., jam out to my #KeepingMyGoddessFlowing playlist on Spotify and rock my hips with the natural light shining from my window, was unmatched. I created a vibe that allowed me that open space to meet me emotions head on and in such a positive way. Writing my own womb affirmation so powerful and personal that I was able to cry out my anxiety, doubt and worry made me feel so good. It was very therapeutic. I sang affirmations and I rocked my hips to the beat of the music that was playing. I felt beautiful and I felt really sexy. That’s really my moment when I get emotional. I get proud of being able to feel that way about my body. About myself.

What I love most (and why it is part of my spiritual routines) is because it gives me a chance to reconnect, celebrate and cherish my body. I am taking back ownership of the health of my yoni and learn, love and enjoy my womb even more. Something that is so meaningful and can be for anyone that is open to it.

It is always important to share this knowledge of our ancestors with one another. Let us inspire each other to connect with love and heal our bodies and. . .

. . .remember to keep our goddesses flowing.


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