Innerstandings: It’s About You Right Now

The world will have us looking at a polarized view of ourselves that has been manipulated, sexualized, and placed into a dumb down version of ourselves.

I see it as there only being two choices we have in this world. It’s either we say fuck the world or take a look inside. Because the world will have you second guessing yourself on what’s good or not, how to act, how to think, what you need to look like, what you need to call yourself, what to study, who to stay away from and so on. It is because society is literally changing who we are.

Everything that we do and everything that we say builds our future as a spiritual being on this planet. We have access to so much information these days. If we want to understand why we have not moved ourselves forward then it’s a great possibility that we aren’t woken up from the inside. We can spit facts, shoot numbers out, know the info, but when it comes to soul transformation, what we want out of life is not going to happen. What happens is that we begin to dig a little bit deeper peeling back the layers of our existence because we keep telling ourselves that there’s something else, something more, something different.

We are in a very challenging place in our spiritual evolution because our world has changed so much. Things that used to work don’t work the same. How do we know? Look around. How do we begin to take an honest look on the inside? What does it look like to go within? Especially when there’s so much that is going on in the outside? So much that our minds have already been manipulated. Manipulated to the point that we have stepped away from ourselves. Lost ourselves. Forgot how to keep our conscious and subconscious minds met. A social circle jerk. It comes from having a lack of self-understanding and having a look inside.

To understand something is to stand outside of it and see it clearly. To innerstand is to embody a wordless knowing that defies description, a knowing that transforms our body, mind, and soul. Understanding changes your mind. Innerstanding changes everything.

What we need to be about that fucking work. Go inside. We want to service people, we want to do that blog, we want to start that business, then do it. We have allowed society to hold us captive because we want so much attention from others.

One of the things that has helped me during my journey is by first seeking to understand before seeking to be understood.

Understand what it is I am trying to do before I want others to understand what it is I am trying to do. Taking a look on the inside because this world will have you going in a social circle jerk in no time. Focused on what other people are posting on social media or what’s going on in other’s lives. Society is literally changing who we are but of course we think it’s coming from the inside of us. We’re so quick to judgement. Saying what is wrong and what is right. On the flip side of this, the reality is that no one is wrong and therefore no one can make a correction. So living life on your terms when it comes to you is being right. As soon as we allow the outside to influence our inside that’s when we continue to allow people and environments to manipulate us.

It’s not about being right. It’s about being you.

When you go inside, that’s where the originality is. I think it’s so important that we know we who we are and where we come from. You know our ancestors want us to do something new. To pick up where they left off. Move the information we know forward. We cannot move it forward by doing and learning the same thing over. We have to take a look on the inside. This can sometimes be tricky because all of our life we have been influence. Good or bad.

The question we need to ask ourselves is “are we going to do the work to find ourselves in the influence?” We just have to say fuck the world so that we can move ourselves beyond the world’s opinions. Get what we want. Live how we want.


A Letter to My Darkness


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